The Project of Dormitory for Students of the Architectural Department

The creation of this project was motivated by the absence of individual peculiarities of the students speciality in the architecture of dormitories.This project represents a new space which helps creative communication among students.
The territory of projection is limited by Vozduhoflotsky, Klimenko, Maksima Krivonosa's and Prosvyashenia streets. The project represents a development of all territories of Kiev National University of Building and Architecture and proposes a divelopment of Architectural department as a separate university, with an expansion of its territories.

Today all students, who live in dormitories haven't got united space for communication.The project represents a creation of this space. Building of a geodesic department will be reconstructed for the dwelling for teachers. And the buildings of the Military department will be rebuilt for the architectural department.
The building of the dormitory for students of architectural department will be situated parallely to these buildings, forming in this way, inner yard for students.
The dormitory contains two functions: media library and dormitory.

And now about morphogenesis. The height of the building was motivated by the height of a dormitory, which stands here, the height of it is 34 m.The building of the architectural dormitory has been divided into two parts for creation inner atrium .With the purpose of giving more light to the rooms of the dormitory, atrium has been extended to the top.

In the lower part of the building is situated a media library.The top part is separated from the lower part to pass through natural light to the inner yard and to the educational buildings.

In the top part of the projected building there is a dormitory.The rooms of students are living sells with all facilities, with high selling and big windows, what is good for drawing.The beds are in a entresol and they go above the corridor, what permits to save space.

The dormitory has a lot of innovations to improve the process of studying. There are also a number of places for communication of students, for the collective work.

Project of Dnieper Embankment Reconstruction

Water areas play an important role in the life of Kiev and its population. Embankment becomes the key element of an interaction of the city and water, in connection with which appears an idea of a creation of a public space at the junction.
Till 60-th years, till the development of the Kiev’s metropolitan , system of the lakes and the embankment developed very actively. But with the appearance of the Gidropark metro-station, the zone of a rest shifted to the islands. The Embankment became a “dead zone”, excluded from the recreational fund of Kiev., access of the people to which is problematic.

In the analysis we indentified the structure of obstacles, which complicate access to the embankment. They are: the system of the parks on Kiev’s hills and Naberejnaya highway, which is placed at the foot of the hills.

The main conceptual decision in the including of Kiev’s hills and embankment of the city-life.
And we asked ourselves, where must we create this inclusions? For the answer to it we made the analysis of Kiev’s hills.
We decided to identify by the projecting methods the most important obstacles on this territory, most of which is abandoned now.
In this way, the main axis of the urban attraction were found and the most important historical objects are on this axis. We decided to create public spaces with introduction of cultural, recreational and educational functions along them.
So this project solves the problem of the absence of communication between the central structure of Kiev and Dnieper-river.

And we asked ourselves, where must we create this inclusions? For the answer to it we made the analysis of Kiev’s hills.
We decided to identify by the projecting methods the most important obstacles on this territory, most of which is abandoned now.
In this way, the main axis of the urban attraction were found and the most important historical objects are on this axis. We decided to create public spaces with introduction of cultural, recreational and educational functions along them.
So this project solves the problem of the absence of communication between the central structure of Kiev and Dnieper-river.
By the vertical connections-stairs, lifts, rampants, escalators we overcome the difficult relief of the hills and create platforms above Naberejnaya highway, with the purpose to create access to the water.
This platforms are the cultural centers with theatres, museums and places for rest.